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Product Catalog Mass Edit Module (PrestaShop v1.7-v8x) Nulled (v1.2.5) Free Download

Product Catalog Mass Edit Module Nulled Free Download
Product Catalog Mass Edit Module Nulled Free Download

Product Catalog Mass Edit Module Nulled Bulk edit product’s price, combinations, features, associations, title, tags, stock, carriers, shipping, description, SKU, SEO


Managing a store with hundreds of products is not easy. From time to time you need to adjust product prices, add/remove a lot of product combinations/features. And it take a lot of time to make it one by one. Product Catalog Mass Edit module saves your time from editing products manually.


check_circle_outlineHelp save time


  • Filter products/combinations to edit by product name, description, reference, ean, barcode, upc, tags, associations, price, quantity, date, status
  • Preview what products are going to be edited based on your filters
  • Change title
  • Edit Reference/EAN/UPC
  • Change short/long description 
  • Manage tags
  • SEO settings
  • Manage associations
  • Manage Shipping/Carriers info
  • Manage stock
  • Manage combinations
  • Manage features

Use cases:

  • Change all products stock to 100
  • Increase price by 10% for products in a selected category
  • Add tags for products in selected manufacturer
  • Add new product features
  • Remove product combinations that contains Size: M


Version 1.2.5 – 6/22/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.1.0

  • added php 8 compatibility
  • fixed minor bugs

Version 1.2.4 – 11/9/2022

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.0.0

  • fixed minor bugs

Version 1.2.3 – 11/4/2022

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.0.4

  • added PrestaShop 8 compatibility

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Written by null

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