
PHP Form Builder Nulled (v6.0.2) Free Download

PHP Form Builder Nulled is a complete library based on a PHP class, which allows you to program any type of form and layout them using simple functions. PHP Form Builder includes the best jQuery plugins available and allows you to implement them in a very simple and elegant way.


  • Form generation with options for layout (horizontal, vertical, inline).
  • Accepts any HTML5 form elements, including fieldsets, multiple selects, optgroups, button groups, …
  • Allows to customize HTML with wrappers, IDs, classes and attributes, Javascript events, custom code almost anywhere.
  • Default options ready for Bootstrap.
  • Email sending with advanced options.
  • Database recording
  • Server-side validation, with multilanguage errors gestion.
  • Powerful integration of any Javascript plugin : configure the plugin XML file, PHP Form Builder will generate all code for you (CSS includes, JS includes and JS Domready).
  • Can memorize several custom configurations with each plugin (as many as you want), so you can reuse them easily.
  • Renders separate HTML code, CSS includes code for plugins, JS includes code for plugins and JS Domready code for plugins.
  • Can display HTML code for debug purpose.
  • 20 prebuilt templates included
  • Complete documentation with examples.

Free Download PHP Form Builder includes the best Javascript plugins available and allows you to implement them in a very simple and elegant way.

Demo :


version 6.0.2 (05/2024)

Bug Fix:
    - fix PHP composer error with PHP < 8.2
    - fix types error with php < 8.0
    - fix floating labels position in Modal forms
    - disable the floating labels in tinymce textareas


version 6.0.1 (05/2024)

Bug Fix:
    - fix the plugins path & URL when the form builder is in a subfolder
    - fix the addCountry method when there's multiple country fields on the same page.


version 6.0 (05/2024)

Breaking changes:
    - PHP Form Builder now uses a global autoloader for the Form Builder's classes, the mailer, the database and pagination classes
New Features:
    - add the Altcha plugin with Anti-SPAM features -
    - add the Floating Labels plugin -
    - add the "addError($field, $message)" function to the Validator
    - redesign the drag & drop form builder with code refactoring and performance improvements
    - add a global autoloader for the Form Builder's classes, the mailer, the database and pagination classes
    - improve robustness, code quality and reliability with PHPSTAN's highest standards (level 8)
    - move the Database & pagination classes to the "vendor" folder and use the Github public package (
    - add the "getIncludes($debug = false)" function to get the list of all the plugins dependencies (JS & CSS)
    - add the "getJsCode($debug = false)" function to get the Javascript code of the activated plugins
    - change the naming convention of the php variables from snake_case to smallCamelCase
    - move the bottom margins in Bootstrap forms from rows to columns
Bug Fix:
    - fix a bug with the file uploader with multiple instances and required files
    - fix a type error in the file uploader with php 8.3+
    - fix Tinymce's filemanager bug with PHP ^8.0
    - fix drag & drop form builder's input patterns for Chrome -


version 5.3 (01/2024)

New Features:
    - add the code for Recaptcha to be properly loaded in Ajax forms
    - add php type hinting and enable PHP strict_types
    - fix PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings
    - review PHP Standard compliance with PHPCS and PHPCBS - Standard:PHPCompatibility 7.4-8.3
    - add SQL group_by clause in DB->select() '$extras' argument
    - update the Signature Pad plugin to the latest version (v4.1.6)
    - add the 'data-height' attribute to the Signature Pad input
Bug Fix:
    - repair the database getLastInsertId() function
    - fix "update" queries using the same fieldname in both values and where clause
    - fix Deprecated error in class.fileuploader.php

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