
Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Nulled (v4.0) Free Download

Whatsapp Stickers Store App Nulled is a mobile Whatsapp Stickers system which run under Android platform that used for your own Whatsapp Stickers application. With powerful features and beautiful design and Responsive Admin Panel can manage Videos,Images,Gifs,Quote,categories, users,notifications,lanuages,Earning Payments and others. This application created by Android studio for client side and then Php/MySQL for Admin side.

Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Nulled
Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Nulled

Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Nulled run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. By using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own Whatsapp Stickers application.

Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Nulled FEATURES :

  • Splash Screen
  • Intro Pages
  • Whatsapp Sticker Maker
  • Latest Stickers Packs
  • Popular Stickers Packs
  • Categories List
  • Follwing Stickers Packs
  • Favorites Stickers Packs
  • Search by using categories,title,keywords
  • Download/Add Pack To Whatsapp
  • Share The Stickers Pack : Link System
  • Rating system : Rate Stickers Pack
  • Sign-in/Sign-up with Google
  • Sign-in/Sign-up With Facebook
  • Users Profile
  • Trusted User (can upload without review)
  • Following system
  • User Can Post Own Packs
  • Edit sticker & remove sticker background
  • Load more on scroll
  • Notification by using firebase
  • privacy policy,Contact us pages
  • Settings (Notification , Cache …)
  • AdMob Ads
  • AdMob Reward ads to get Premium content
  • Facebook Network Audiance
  • Subscription to delete Ads
  • Ask to rate app when exit
  • Ask Update when new update available
  • In App subscription for premium content and remove ads
Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Free Download
Whatsapp Telegram Signal Stickers and Animated Stickers Free Download



UPDATE 4.0 (POSTED 19 NOV 2022 )

        * Report User
        * Block user
        * Report Stickers pack
        * Phone login issue fixed
        * Normal AppLovin Banner / Interstitial / Rewarded video ads Added
        * ironSource Banner / Interstitial / Rewarded video ads Added
        * AdColony  / Applovin / Google AdMob / Unity Ads / Facebook / inMobi added with ironSource Mediation 
        * All libraries updated to last version 
        * Google Play Billing Library updated to last stable version 5.0.1
        * Support last Android studio version
        * UGC policy issue fixed
        * Android 12 full supported
        * SDK updated to 33
        * ads issue fixed
        * notification issue fixed
        * share issue fixed
        * select image sticker issue fixed
        * edit stickers issue fixed
        * Other bugs fixed 

UPDATE 3.3 (POSTED 10 MAR 2022 )

        * AppLovin Max Banner / Native / Interstitial / Rewarded video ads Added
        * AdColony / Google Ad Manager / IronSource / Google AdMob / Unity Ads / Facebook / inMobi added with AppLovin Max Mediation 
        * All libraries updated to last version /
        * Google Play Billing Library updated to last stable version 4.1
        * Phone Login issue fixed
        * Other bugs fixed 
        * Support last Android studio version

UPDATE 3,2 (POSTED JAN 14, 2022 )

       * New google billing version 4.0.0
       * MoPub ads added
       * All libraries updated to last stable version 
       * issue fixed 

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Written by null

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