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Advanced iFrame Pro Nulled (v2024.5) Free Download

Advanced iFrame Pro Nulled Free Download
Advanced iFrame Pro Nulled Free Download

Advanced iFrame Pro Nulled Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements and forward parameters. You can also embed content directly or show a part of an iframe.

Resize the iframe GPL to the content height or width on the same domain or if you are able to use the external workaround you can resize the iframe to the iframe height. Also dynamic size changes in the iframe are detected and even auto height of hidden elements is supported.

Even if you are NOT on the same domain and you are NOT able to modify the external page you can show a part of the remote iframe Nulled . With the included area selector you can simply select the area you want to show with your mouse. Also you can hide certain areas of the other page. For perfect integration zoom is also supported!

You can zoom the content of an iframe with a fixed ratio and also by auto zoom which does calculate the factor depending on the browser size. Especially on non responsive pages this can be the only solution for mobile devices.

You can dynamically change the css of the parent and depending on your setup even of the iframe page too. So you can hide elements like header and footers or overwrite static sizes to make a page more responsive.

Advanced iFrame Pro Free Download

Lazy load is the perfect feature to enhance the loading time of your page. So first your main page is loaded and afterwards the iframe Free Download. You can also load the iframe when it is visible only or load the iframe with a click on a button.

Demo :



  • New: Tested with WordPress 6.5.3
  • Fix: When using arrays in the parameters was causing an error. If this is now the case no optimization of placeholders are done anymore.
  • Security fix: Added additional filters to some Javascript parameters to increase security.


  • Security fix: The filter attribute method now filters shortcode attributes which are parsed wrong by WordPress if the user does not have the unfiltered_html permission.
  • Security fix: #x28 and #x29 are filtered if the user does not have the unfiltered_html permission.


  • Security fix: The additional_js and additional_js_file_iframe attribute are now only allowed to be used if you have the permission “unfiltered_html”, that you need in WordPress to use iframes. If you do not have this permission, during save the attributes are removed and an error message is shown.
  • Fix: Show iframe as layer was not working properly in Firefox. The link was opening in a new tab. Using a different way to hide the iframe solves the problem.
  • Fix: Filtering all short code attributes failed because “The Plus Blocks for Block Editor” was adding their settings to the ai attributes. I will contact them, why they do such stupid things!
  • Fix: Switching a theme could cause an error message when no content pages where existing. Now this is only executed if content pages do exist.


  • Fix: add_iframe_url_as_param thrown an error because of the additional security filter. Now it works fine again.

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Written by null

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