This powerful and feature-rich Divi module will help you create concise, easy to understand pricing tables that convert your web visitors into customers that look amazing as well!
The Advanced Pricing Table For Divi Nulled plugin provides you with a collection of highly customizable elements and features that will empower you to build pixel-perfect, easy to comprehend pricing tables to help your business grow.
This module provides you with granular control over the pricing table elements, so you can achieve the exact look and feel you’ve been searching for. Disable components you may not want to use in the table and easily drag and drop to rearrange the positioning of elements, like the price above or below the title, for example. The possibilities are endless!
This plugin makes it easy to place pricing table variants into toggles that can be used to switch between two sets of table options. Allow customers to easily compare pricing for monthly and annual pricing, single product vs. membership benefits and more without taking up valuable space on the web page.
The ability to organize and display your pricing tables into categories using tabs proves extremely helpful when offering more complex pricing options. Perhaps you are a pet food subscription service offering delivery plans for cats, dogs and rabbits; all with a unique set of pricing options. This plugin allows you to designate pricing tables to appear in individual or multiple category tabs with ease, making information easy to find for your customers.
Tooltips are an excellent and user-friendly way to provide additional information on hover to your potential customers, without cluttering your pricing table and taking up valuable space. Advanced Pricing Table For Divi Free Download gives you the ability to create, style and position tooltips for your table title and features list with ease.
Version 1.0.4
- Add comparison table layout
- Fix issues in Visual Builder
- Implement security fix
Version 1.0.3
- RankMath SEO plugin compatibility fix
Version 1.0.2
- Add transform options to Pricing Item Element
Version 1.0.1
- Update product id used for the Helper plugin
- Update product page link
- Add description
- Update icon
Version 1.0.0 November 11, 2022
- Official release