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Essential Grid WordPress Plugin Nulled (v3.1.4) Free Download

Essential Grid Nulled – WordPress Plugin Free Download
Essential Grid Nulled – WordPress Plugin Free Download

Essential Grid Gallery Nulled is a premium plugin for WordPress that allows you to build great looking image, video and audio galleries from various sources!


  • Template Library with over 50 starter grids
  • Dedicated Video Tutorials Channel for Beginners
  • All-Purpose Usage
  • Boxed, Full-Width, Full-Screen Layouts
  • Adjustable Rows/Columns/Spacings
  • Images, Youtube & Vimeo Video, HTML5 Self-Hosted Video, iFrame Content
  • Content Sources: Post, Custom Post, Pages, WooCommerce, Gallery
  • Various Animation Types & Preloaders
  • Dozens Example Skins available
  • Responsive & Mobile Optimized
  • Visual Skin Editor: Build and Customize own Skins easily
  • Easily Import / Export Skins
  • Include Custom Skins with Plugin Install, One-Click Installer
  • Custom Metas: Additional Options for Posts
  • Custom Post Based Skin Modifications: Special rules for Posts
  • Extensive Documentation & Tutorial Videos
  • Customizable Transition Speed (Individual / Global)

Use the adapted WordPress gallery functionality, posts and pages, include albums built with other plugins like NextGen Gallery, connect to the big social media streams like Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Flickr etc. or build a complete custom gallery grid. Our template library will give you example grids that will look outstanding on mobile devices too and are easy to configure and fill with your content!

Demo :


Version 3.1.4 (10 July 2024)


  • Update tp-tools library
  • Changed tp-tools library slug for compatibility


  • Lightbox wheel parameter escape
  • Close button on lightbox post content

Version 3.1.3 (03 July 2024)


  • Added Global option to control Cross-origin image attribute for images loaded by grid
  • Added Global option to control additional grid information ( ID / Handle ) on overview page
  • Added option to (de)select all filters in a group
  • Added option to control missing taxonomies creation during post-based grids import
  • Added Close button to missing addons popup


  • Update mobile detect library
  • PHP code improvements
  • Update wp_remote_ calls to wp_safe_remote_
  • Add copy shortcode button to edit grid page
  • Update tptools lib to 6.7.11
  • Update Grid overview search to support search by alias / ID


  • Load post content into lightbox
  • Styles for site editor iframe
  • Gutenberg block
  • Javascript errors
  • CSS errors
  • Multi-select meta not populate values for custom grid
  • Shortcode filter was not using single or multiple filter type class
  • WPML filters
  • Grid animation after resize
  • Custom filter edit issue

Version (29 April 2024)


  • Update tptools lib to 6.7.5


  • Relative path image load error
  • TPtools load on widgets page
  • Shortcode scripts double load
  • Own Caching System & Load more error
  • Wrong start animation position

Version (22 April 2024)


  • Clean up php code
  • Update tptools lib to 6.7.3


  • Fixed ESG / SR compatibility
  • Fixed permissions check for super admin
  • Fixed skin change
  • Fixed skin editor draggable elements

What do you think?

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