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Facebook Dynamic Ads + Pixel & Conversions API Module [v1.6-v1.7-v8x] Nulled (v1.5.1) Free Download

Facebook Dynamic Ads Pixel & Conversions API Module Nulled Free Download
Facebook Dynamic Ads Pixel & Conversions API Module Nulled Free Download

Best module for Facebook and Instagram, elected “Agencies’ choice” and winner of two PrestaShop awards, Facebook Dynamic Ads + Pixel Nulled already has more than 10,000 downloads! Our team of experts in social networks for over 10 years, accompanies you with a complete documentation and a great responsiveness to support.

Export your products to Facebook, show them in your Facebook Shops, tag them with Instagram Shopping, create Instagram and Facebook ads. Set dynamic remarketing ads with the Facebook Pixel and the Conversions API Nulled. Discover Dynamic Ads + Pixel Nulled.

Facebook Dynamic Ads Features


  • Quick installation of Facebook pixel code
  • Very exhaustive pixel implementation:

– Tracking of each product, combination, category, brand or supplier page

– Ability to track or not your homepage activity

– Tracking of “new products”, “promotions” and “best seller” pages

– Tracking of the click on the “Add to wishlist” button

– Tracking of the click on the “Add to cart” button

– Tracking of the click on the “Subscribe” button (if you have installed the Presta-Module “Advanced Subscription” module, available here:

– Tracking of complete customer account creation

– Tracking of every checkout process steps, from cart page loading to order confirmation by way of payment information validation

Demo :


Version 1.5.4 – 12/6/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.1.3

  • Fix for g:size and g:color when there is multiple data
  • Apply some security check
  • Optimize for fbc via conversion api

Version 1.5.3 – 11/15/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.1.3

  • Update for Prestashop prerequisites security check
  • Handle Initiatecheckout with conversion API
  • Handle AddPaymentInfo with conversion API
  • Handle addToCart with conversion API
  • Compatibility with Axeptio
  • Fix for 404 on CRON loop
  • Handle trackcustom for viewCategory and viewHomepage

Version 1.5.2 – 9/7/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.1.3

  • We have made several improvements to our platform to prevent duplicate products from being added to the cart or purchased, and to prevent malicious code from being executed.
  • Unique content_ids for each product on the cart and purchase event. This will prevent duplicate products from being added to the cart or purchased.
  • Security added to unserialize calls. This will prevent malicious code from being executed.
  • Improved Performance and Reliability
  • Forced use of the internal getSupplierReference DAO. This will ensure that the data is always correctly filled out.
  • Optimized the getProductCombination function. This will improve the performance of the function when handling shared stock with multishop.
  • Fixed the use case where an installed language with ID = 1 is deleted. This will prevent errors from occurring when an installed language with ID = 1 is deleted.
  • Improved Conversion Tracking
  • We have also added support for sending fbc and fbp parameters to the Conversions API. This will allow businesses

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