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Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled (v3.0.5 + v2.0.4) Free Download

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled Free Download
Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled Free DownloadFluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled Free Download

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled replaces the WooCommerce checkoutcart and order received pages with a consistent and better purchase experience, eliminating unnecessary friction at the most critical step of online sales.

Tip: Make sure to test the checkout flow by adding to the cart and completing the purchase at least 2x to see how the plugin streamlines the checkout process for registered and repeat customers.

More features to further improve your WooCommerce checkout conversion rate and the make the entire purchase experience consistent.

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Free Download adds more features to the checkout page and extends the features that every WooCommerce checkout page should have.

From the optimized cart page to the checkout pageorder confirmation page, and view order details on the account dashboard.

Optimized cart page

Never click that pesky “Update cart” button again with cart contents and totals updated automatically.

The optimized cart page has:

  • Always updated cart contents and totals
  • Easily add trust symbols to the cart page
  • Integrated coupon code field on the cart page
  • Shipping methods and calculation as a separate section
  • Saved addresses for the shipping calculator
  • Cart upsells/cross-sells layout (from WooCommerce product settings)
  • Re-add / undo multiple removed items

Optimized order received / thank you page

The same look and feel for order details on the order received page and view order pages on the account dashboard.

The optimized order received / thank you page has:

  • Order overview with relevant actions
  • Status progress bar and customer notes
  • Payment methods instructions are displayed when relevant
  • Order summary optionally displayed on the sidebar
  • Easily add extra information on the order received page



3.0.5 – 2023-11-10

  • Added: Compatibility with theme Gizmos.
  • Added: Compatibility with theme Botiga.
  • Added: Compatibility with plugin Botiga PRO.
  • Added: Compatibility with plugin WooCommerce
  • Added: Compatibility with plugin Kadence Shop Kit (WooCommerce extras).
  • Added: Compatibility with plugin DPD Baltic Shipping.
  • Added: Compatibility with plugin “LP Express” Shipping Method for WooCommerce.
  • Improved: Added filter fc_checkout_address_i18n_override_locale_attributes and fc_checkout_address_i18n_override_locale_required_attribute to allow overriding checkout field attributes that are locale dependent.
  • Improved: Added action hooks fc_order_summary_cart_item_totals_before and fc_order_summary_cart_item_totals_after to display custom elements near the cart item total price in the order summary on the checkout page.
  • Fixed: Cart item product total price alignment on the order summary in some cases.
  • Fixed: Alignment for the add coupon code link when displayed on the order summary.
  • Fixed: Fix values for billing phone field visibility settings to match accepted values from WooCommerce.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with plugin Brazilian Market, check if phone fields are enabled before trying to use them, and update scripts with latest changes from original plugin.

3.0.4 – 2023-09-27

  • Bump tested up to WordPress 6.3.1 and WooCommerce 8.1.1
  • Added: Compatibility with plugin Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce by Krokedil.
  • Added: New option to highlight the order totals row in the order summary on the checkout page.
  • Added: New filter fc_expansible_section_toggle_label_{$key}_add_optional_text to allow removing the text “(optional)” from specific optional fields.
  • Added: New filters fc_order_summary_shipping_package_name and fc_order_summary_shipping_package_price_html to allow changing the label and price for shipping charges on the order summary.
  • Added: Fragments update script that can be used by add-ons on pages that don’t use native WooCommerce functions to update fragments.
  • Improved: Show localized price 0,00 (zero) as shipping charge price on the order summary when shipping method chosen does not have associated costs, instead of showing the shipping method name.
  • Improved: Compatibility with theme OceanWP: fix container class when using the theme header, and disable conflicting theme features.
  • Improved: Compatibility with plugin Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce: set width to payment elements to avoid them overflowing the available space.
  • Improved: Use only the cart total value for the cart link on header for mobile view, instead of getting also taxes and info from other plugins.
  • Fixed: Styles for the shipping method items with classic and other design templates.
  • Fixed: Styles for the latest payment method list items when the payment box is not present.
  • Deprecated: Renamed function FluidCheckout_CheckoutPageTemplate::get_hide_site_header_footer_at_checkout, use FluidCheckout_CheckoutPageTemplate::is_distraction_free_header_footer_checkout instead.

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