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Gallery Slider for WooCommerce Pro [ShapedPlugin] Nulled (v2.2.0) Free Download

Gallery Slider for WooCommerce Pro Nulled ShapedPlugin Free Download
Gallery Slider for WooCommerce Pro Nulled ShapedPlugin Free Download

Gallery Slider for WooCommerce Pro Nulled ShapedPlugin plugin allows you to display a nice product gallery slider on a single product page. If you have numerous images then the plugin converts your images to the awesome gallery slider with powerful features, so the user will get an organized view of your product images. It’s highly essential to sell your product.

The plugin also allows you to insert and display unlimited additional images for each WooCommerce product attribute variation to let visitors see different photos when product variations are switched.

It allows you to upload multiple images for each product variation. With this feature, you can show your visitors a different set of product images when they simultaneously switch product variations like color, style, and size.

Boost your sales by instantly transforming the WooCommerce default product gallery into a beautiful thumbnail and additional variation image gallery slider for WooCommerce variable products.

Demo :


Version 2.2.0 – Feb 09, 2024

  • New: The Video Play Mode (Inline/Popup) for Shop page Video.
  • New: The Preloader Style (Normal/Fade/Gray/Blur) option.
  • New: The Additonal JS option.
  • New: Enqueue CSS and JS options to dequeue or enqueue as per need.
  • Improved: The plugin security has been improved.
  • Improved: The Cursor Type of the play icon is set to pointer.
  • Improved: The shop page video background image will be shown based on the Product Image ratio of WooCommerce settings.
  • Improved: SVG files are optimized.
  • Improved: The Options of the Advanced Tab were reorganized by the Nested Tab.
  • Fix: The Disable Lightbox option was not working.
  • Fix: The Thumbnail Radius option does not work when the thumbnail style is the bottom line.
  • Fix: The warning was found if the thumbnail arrow width or height fields were empty.
  • Fix: The RightSide Zoom viewbox position issue for RTL sites.
  • Fix: The plugin logo was not showing in the plugin options page header.
  • Fix: The Border Radius option of Product Large Image was not working on mouseover to zoom inside.
  • Fix: The zoom image was not visible due to the z-index of the divi template.
  • Fix: The \’Infinite loop\’ option is not available when the layout is \’Hide Thumbnails\’.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatibility.

Version 2.1.0 – Dec 07, 2023

  • New: The Free Mode option.
  • New: The Mouse Wheel option.
  • Improved: The Gallery Slider preloader functionality.
  • Improved: The plugin code improved.
  • Fix: The swiper animation issue was found on the change of product variation.
  • Fix: When the plugin has an update, a warning appears on clicking the \”show changelog\” link.
  • Fix: The fatal error was found rarely.

Version 2.0.0 – Dec 01, 2023

  • New: The Shop Page Product Video feature will be shown on the shop or product archive page.
  • New: 5 Amazing Product Gallery Layouts reorganized.
  • New: Facebook and Dailymotion Video types are supported.
  • New: Video Play Mode option (Inline, Popup).
  • New: Self-hosted Video Player Style Option with many customization options.
  • New: YouTube Video Player Controls option to show/hide player controls.
  • New: Show YouTube Related Videos option.
  • New: Video Volume option.
  • New: The Place of the Videos in Gallery Slide option to change video position in Product Gallery.
  • New: 3 Amazing Product Image Zoom Styles feature (Right Side, Inside, Magnific) with Cursor Type, Lens Color, Lens Border, Product Image Overlay on Hover type (Blur, Custom Color), Image Overlay Color, Image Overlay Opacity, Zoom Window Size Type (Auto, Custom), Zoom Window Size, Zoom Window Distance, MouseWheel Zoom, Zoom Window Border, Zoom Window BoxShadow, Enable Zoom for Mobile Devices, Lens Shape (Circle, Box), Lens Border and more options.
  • New: The Display Horizontal Layout on Mobile Devices option for Vertical Layouts.
  • New: Thumbnails Item Display Type (Auto, Custom), Vertical Thumbnails Width options for Vertical Layouts.
  • New: Specific Thumbnails Space option to set Vertical and Horizontal Gap.
  • New: Thumbnails Inner Padding option.
  • New: The Thumbnails Activator type option (Click, Mouseover)
  • New: 4 Types of Active Thumbnail Style.
  • New: The Active Thumbnail Border, Border Color, and Box Shadow options.
  • New: Active Thumbnail Opacity Level option.
  • New: Inactive Thumbnails Effects option (Opacity, Grayscale) with Grayscale and Opacity Level options.
  • New: 3 Types of Thumbnails Navigation Style with substantial customization options.
  • New: The Shortcode [wcgs_gallery_slider] option to show the gallery slider if the gallery slider does not show with any Product Template builder.
  • Improved: The Navigation Icon Style option of the gallery main slider.
  • Improved: Plugin UI and UX improved.
  • Improved: Migrated to Modern Swiper JS from Slick JS.
  • Improved: The Tooltip/Help Text plugin options to make it more user-friendly.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP v8.2.
  • Fix: The variation images don\’t change on change variation along with the SySwatches Variation Swatches plugin.
  • Fix: The gallery flashes on variation change on mobile devices.
  • Fix: The Gallery Slider was not shown in the Block themes.
  • Fix: The conflict issue of the common class \’woocommerce-product-gallery\’
  • Tested: WooCommerce 8.3.1 compatibility.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.1 compatibility.

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