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Grand Conference Event WordPress Theme Nulled (v5.2.7) Free Download

Grand Conference Event WordPress Theme Nulled Free Download
Grand Conference Event WordPress Theme Nulled Free Download

Grand Conference Event WordPress Theme Nulled is a responsive modern WordPress theme for conference & event web site. Built with the latest WordPress technology. Grand Conference Nulled support responsive layout so it looks great on all devices. It has predefined styling & templates and many features built specially for conference, event organiser or all meetup, seminar events which can be imported with one click.

Grand Conference Theme Nulled Overview

Grand Conference Theme Nulled Features

Make your website uniquely

  • 30+ predesign pages for conference & event web site. As uniquely showing conference & event informations are very crucial especially when & where questions, we focus on creating the various predesign pages for conference & event web site including sessions, schedule day, speakers, tickets table and many more. Moreover, simple steps are required to create with our pre-defined pages and content builder.
  • The smoothest parallax scrolling ever Tell your stories with our provided smooth parallax scrolling with rendering performance of 60fps
  • Video Parallax Make your website more attractive from your visitors by video parallax.

Design for conference & event website so your visitors can find all information quickly

  • Filterable session topics. not only you can easily create sessions on your event conference. You can also organise them to multiple topics. So your visitor can easily filter to topic they interest and it helps increase chances of buying your event’s tickets!
  • Conference Sessions by Days You can organise each sessions into multiple days and it’s automatically sort all sessions by start time of each session.
  • 3 Schedule Layouts We want to make sure your visitors can easily find informations they want to know about your conference sessions so you provided various layouts to display sessions.
  • Extensive Speakers Grid & Informations You can customise grid layout of speakers contents. Select from 2 to 5 columns layouts. Single speaker page also support social media links and all sessions by selected speaker.
  • Location & Venue The important part of conference & event website is to information about were it happens and venue for example hotel. Theme provided all these layouts to displays map with locations and hotel informations beautifully.

Create & customize every part of your website visually

You can build and customize pages, header and footer content visually. Using 100+ included widgets or import from our pre-made templates.

  • 60+ Premade Templates
  • 100+ Elementor Widgets
  • Intuitive Header, Footer and Menu
  • Unlimited Design Possibilities

Multi Languages &

Translation Ready

Our theme is 100% translation ready and coded with best practices in mind. You can translate theme or using popular multi languages plugins for example WPML, Polylang. These plugins allow you to create a multilingual WordPress site. You can use as many languages as you want

Sessions & Spekers

Easily manage your sessions for the event. Organise them into multiple dats event and also assign topic for each individual session.

Other Features

  • One Page Navigation Support Easily create your modern one page parallax site or micro site using drag and drop builder with custom menu system.
  • Optimization for Google Mobile Compatibility Check Your site’s search by Google will more visible and have better performance for mobile users. Google updated their search algorithm to give preference to websites that are optimized for proper display on mobile/handheld devices.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Theme has been built using semantic HTML code and CSS, allowing search engines crawl and index your web page easily.
  • Google Map Styles Changing Google Maps color scheme easy using styling from snazzymaps

Grand Conference Theme Free Download

Demo :


= V5.2.7 – 22.07.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.15
* Fix single event map & image display issue

= V5.2.6 – 18.06.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.13

= V5.2.5 – 13.05.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.10
* Fix classic speaker layout issue

= V5.2.4 – 03.05.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.9
* Fix a single event template issue with The Events Calendar v6.4.0

= V5.2.3 – 30.04.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.7
* Fix speaker widget grid display issue
* Fix speaker description encoding issue
* Fix speaker carousel duplicated display issue
* Fix fullscreen menu issue with according/toggle widgets

What do you think?

Written by null

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