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Hide or show products (by stock, by price, by geoip) PrestaShop Nulled (v1.2.5) Free Download

Hide or show products (by stock, by price, by geoip) PrestaShop Nulled Free Download
Hide or show products (by stock, by price, by geoip) PrestaShop Nulled Free Download

Hide or show products Nulled your catalog products individually or massively with absolute flexibility and with configurable conditions (by stock, by price, by geolocation, by manufacturer, and more…)


Hide your catalog products

Hide the products in your catalog which you don’t want to show with a very easy configuration.

Hide products after creation date

You are able to hide products after X days from the creation date

Block products and images for Google bots

The hidden products are blocked for Google bots, so, he images of these products are not available (disappear) from Google search results.

URL redirection to the hidden products (avoid Google console errors)

The module allows to configure a 301, 302 or 404 redirection to redirect the customer if he access to a hidden product directly with the URL (and avoid the Google webmaster console access errors).

Individually or massively

Use the filters and conditions to hide the an specific product (individually) or all the products that you need (massively)

Product filters

Choose the products to hide using this filters:

  • Product
  • Category
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
  • Attributes (combinations)
  • Features
  • Weight
  • Stock
  • Price



Version 1.2.5 – 8/28/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.1.3

  • Added States filter in the target filters
  • Added new exclusion filters (Manufacturers, Customer groups and Categories)

Version 1.1.8 – 3/28/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.0.5

  • Improved performance

Version 1.1.7 – 1/30/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: – 8.0.4

  • PS8 compatibility
  • New filters display
  • Added internal cache

What do you think?

Written by null

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COOWHM Multipurpose WHMCS Theme Nulled (v2.8.1) Free Download