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Lighthouse Performance Tuning WordPress Plugin Nulled (v4.2.0) Free Download

Lighthouse Nulled Performance Tuning WordPress Plugin Free Download
Lighthouse Nulled Performance Tuning WordPress Plugin Free Download

Do you want to enhance your WordPress site performance? With fast loading pages, increase your page views, improve user experience, and help with SEO.Then you can improve WordPress website performance using Google lighthouse Nulled that gives you a competitive advantage and increase the website’s overall speed and optimization.

Best Plugins That Work For Google Lighthouse WordPress Performance Improve

Google lighthouse Free Download is also a WordPress performance tuning plugin that removes a lot of default WordPress behaviors including, actions, filters, injected codes, native code, and third-party actions. To improve WordPress website performance installation to work perfectly, load fast, and error-free. it needs a little bit of cleanup to help the browser cache with requested content and cache plugins to work with 100% efficiency.

Based on user requirements these plugins allow the removal of unused classes and IDs, redundant scripts and stylesheets, non-optional features, and queries. These plugins also help all pre-caching routines by making source code smaller and allow for improved minification. Let’s take look at them including,


Perfmatters Nulled take a very different approach to improve page load times than most plugins. By default, WordPress has certain options enabled that are not necessary for most sites and slow down performance. Perfmatters make it possible and disable these options with the click of some buttons. The biggest thing it tends to slow down the rendering pages for the HTTP request that are not needed. This plugin allows you to disable the scripts on a per-page basis which means loading code can stop where it isn’t needed.

WP Smush.It

WP Smush Nulled is a service that is used to optimize images and remove unwanted bytes from image files. Many tools use lossy formats that degrade quality. But WP Smush uses lossless formats so you won’t have to notice any difference in image quality.

WP Super Cache

WP super cache Nulled is the most widely used plugin available for Google lighthouse WordPress performance improve because it has straight forward setup and advanced user settings that can be used to get more out of this plugin. It supports cache preload, serves static HTML files, CDN support, and support for multiple caching types.

W3 Total Cache

W3 Nulled is another famous speed-enhancing plugin to improve website for the lighthouse. It goes beyond being just a simple cache plugin. There are a large array of option and different caching methods that come with it. There is advanced support for Cloudflare and other CDN services. This plugin is recommended for advanced users.

WP Super Minify

The idea of WP super minifying is to combine HTML, JS, and CSS files so they can compress and served the visitors in a way that reduces site loading times. It is worth noting that you need to be careful when setting up these kinds of plugins and WP super minify Nulled gives you the option to disable compression of JavaScript and CSS just in case if there are any conflicts.

WEBP Express

WEBP express Nulled is an image file format that creates for the websites and is a superb replacement for PNG, JPEG, and GIF. It supports good compression, animations, and transparency as well. This plugin is a new open standard for lossy compressed color graphics on the website and produces smaller file sizes with great quality like JPEG.

Lighthouse Free Download

Lighthouse Free Download runs several tests called audits and analyzes the information on a web application or web page and creates a report on how well the page or app perfumed.

Demo :


= 4.2.0 =
* FIX: Remove db_server_info() method for WordPress 4.9+ and ClassicPress compatibility
* FEATURE: Add automatic background updater

= 4.1.2 =
* FIX: Remove old, deprecated code
* FIX: Fix typos and contextual help wording
* FIX: Fix footer message to work with non-block editor websites
* UPDATE: Add jQuery Migrate removal option
* UPDATE: Update WordPress recommendations
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility

= 4.1.1 =
* FIX: Exclude mailto and tel links from prefetching
* FIX: Sanitize query string parameter for SQL injection check
* FIX: Remove unused variable
* UPDATE: Update PHP recommendations
* UPDATE: Update WordPress recommendations
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
* FEATURE: Add page caching (browser caching)
* FEATURE: Add support for Cloudflare page caching headers

= 4.1.0 =
* FIX: Fix various Beacon issues
* FIX: Fix missing class in the Firewall section
* UPDATE: Refactor the Dashboard section
* UPDATE: Update PHP recommendations
* FEATURE: Implement dark mode
* FEATURE: Join Performance and Speed Metrics sections
* PERFORMANCE: Remove minification options, it's better if this is done at build time or server level via Cloudflare
* PERFORMANCE: Remove unused, empty front-end CSS file
* PERFORMANCE: Remove obsolete tag

= 4.0.4 =
* FIX: Update User Agent check to prevent PHP 8+ warnings
* UPDATE: Update ClassicPress recommendations
* UPDATE: Remove all "Beta" labels
* UPDATE: Refactor code (WPCS)

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