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MultiSaas Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) Nulled (v2.4.0) Free Download

MultiSaas Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) Nulled Free Download
MultiSaas Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) Nulled Free Download

MultiSaas Nulled – Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder SAAS PHP Scripts. It use Separate Database for each Tenants, so that your website load fast, has option to add custom domains. automatic subdomain creations and much more. it comes with a different 5 theme with necessary inner pages, it will help your tenant to multiple type of website easily without hassle or thinking much about design. it also has 19+ payment gateway, will more than 150currency support. It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.

Donation Module

this multisass comes with donatio module support, means your user can create easily donatio/fundrising website for themself within a few minutes. collect donation or fund from their users easily

Job Board Module

it has a beautify job board theme with complete job board solutions, where your user can create their own job board website and can post job charge applicat for apply and more.

Event Booking Module

Mutltisass Free Download comes with evernt booking module, which allow your users to create event booking website with no time, they can sale their event ticket thought this module, can print their event ticket for attendance and much more.

Support Ticking Module

support ticking module allow your users to create a support ticking website, where they can manage all of their support ticket through their admin panel, user can open support ticket reply and set priority of support ticket base on their need

Knowledgebase Module

Knowledgebase website is much needed for now a days for many companies, this script will allow your users to create knowledgebase website with just a few click, extensive seach system, group wise article shown and more avilable.

eCommerce Module [coming soon]

eCommerce is neccessary for now a days to run any kind of business, most of the user are online today. multisass comes with Advance eCommerce module support where you user will get, advance inventory, advance shipping, advance coupon, advnace tax, promotional campaign creationg support, it also support multiple variants for product with additional price and image.

Subscription Module

It has details permission wise subscription package for teanants, with package admin can decide how many page they can create and which module they will has access.

Plan Renew Notification Module

admin can decide who many time and how many days ago systme send reminder mail to renew subscription plan of teanant. also can decide after how many days teantn account will be termenated and delete permanantly



Date: June 5th, 2024

Version: 2.3.0

[added]CloudStorage support Added on  Multisaas (Premium Plugin ).
[added] Package order accept with update status complete for restaurant theme 
share link in social media or whatsapp issue fixed.
[added] Disable hotel booking feature in price plan when if any client not purchasing hotel booking module.
[added] Data table added for user list. Now admin can search user list by table column.
[added] Upgrade plan button added in user dashboard where user can upgrade plan with payment gatways. All users/view details/upgrade plan.
[added] Google Recaptcha added in the registration form.

[fixed] all demo asset not sedding properly issue fixed.
[fixed] Showing bank transfer payment gateway multiple time issue fixed.
[fixed] Stock Inventory product quantity issue fixed.
[fixed] Same slug route defined twice issue fixed.
[fixed] Register page enable/disable not working from admin panel issue fixed.
[fixed] Home page builder RTL design issue fixed.
[fixed] Tenant job ,event, blog not showing with proper name when try to 
[fixed] Coupon discount amount not showing correctly  issue fixed.
[fixed] Google login and register not working issue fixed.
[fixed] New Stuff unable to see advertisement menu in tenant admin panel issue fixed.
[fixed] Tenant admin password reset issue fixed.
[fixed] Bank transfer issue fixed (HotelBooking Plugin).
[fixed] Custom domain replaced alert message modified.
[fixed] Upgrade plan button added on userDashboard panel for upgrade any tenant plan.
[fixed] Tenant Theme not set properly issue fixed , when update payment status from landloard.
[fixed] Related quick view product increment/decrement issue fixed.
[fixed] If cart quantity and requested quantity is larger than stock quantity this will show error warning message.
[fixed] Client can take multiple appointment in same slot if multiple allow is yes (Appointment Module).
[fixed] Client can't purchases multiple product using same email id.
[fixed] Now admin can not create multiple Appointment schedule in same date and same time (Barbar-shop Module).

Date: April 16th, 2024

Version: 2.2.3

[added] KnowledgeBase Category not displayed issue fixed , new Seeder created and added on GeneralSettingController update database
[added] izyco payment gateway displayed on payment dropdown and code optimize on tenant user-home,
[added] Code optimize on Tenant userDashoardController.

[fixed] Plugin not exists but module feature displayed on price plan issue fixed,
[fixed] Hotel booking status not updated order_id required issue fixed (HotelBooking),
[fixed] Booking create failed from admin issue fixed (HotelBooking),
[fixed] Booking order not updated issue fixed and order page redirected after login  (HotelBooking),
[fixed] Coupon discount amount not display issue fixed,
[fixed] Package date formate improvise,
[fixed] Unavailable theme will not  visible on assign subscription theme dropdown,
[fixed] Tenant create on assign subscription issue fixed,
[fixed] User profile media uploader not working issue fixed,
[fixed] Date formate issue fixed on tenant order success blade

Date: March 20th, 2024

Version: 2.2.2

[added] SiteAnalytics premium plugin support added,
[added] Knowledgebase Category Role Permission Added,
[fixed] Coupon Amount not displayed issue fixed on Shop Checkout page,
[fixed] unAvailable theme hidden from assign subscription themes dropdown,
[fixed] Package date format not same issue fixed on order Success page.
[fixed]Disabled hotel booking feature in price plan when if any client not purchasing hotel booking module,
[fixed] HotelBookingRolePermissionSeed not found when Plugin is not exist issue fixed,
[fixed] Media upload on user profile issue fixed.

What do you think?

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