
MyTravel  Nulled (v2.4.0) Ultimate Laravel Booking System Free Download

MyTravel Nulled Ultimate Laravel Booking System Free Download
MyTravel Nulled Ultimate Laravel Booking System Free Download

MyTravel – Ultimate Laravel Booking System Nulled based on Laravel, designed for a travel website, Marketplace, Travel Agency, Tour Operator, Room Bnb, Villa Rental, Resort Rental, Make Travel website. With 6+ years working on travel products we confident to bring to you best product for your travel site with optimized UX/UI, friendly on mobile on the search engine.

Demo :


Version 2.4.0 – 22 January 2024
        - Update the "Clone" option to the Hotel module    
        - Update gallery section in the New module
        - Allow vendor create a News 
        - Update search tour by Category 
        - Added the phone field in the contact form
        - Update ajax search fot Boat, Space, Car, Hotel, Event, Tour module
        - Update live chat for Mytravel
        - Update filter form to Vendor report.
        - Update Userplan module.

        - Fixed the issue in the Hotel gallery
        - Fixed problem creating media folder from vendor dashboard 
Version 2.3.0 – 12 September 2023
        -  Update the gallery for News 
        -  Update the Vendor Dashboard in the mobile menu link
        -  Update the register button on the check-out page
        -  Update the fixed date for the Tour 
        -  Update option search Tour by Tour Category

        - Fixed the share social button cant be closed 
        - Fixed style for Flight listing
        - Fixed style issue on-screen 1366px

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