PHP CRUD Nulled Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Generator
How to build a complete web admin dashboard
with CRUD operations in PHP from your MySQL database
PHP CRUD Application
for MySQL using OOP and MVC in PHP
PHPCG is an easy, intuitive web app developed using the most popular web technologies to create Bootstrap 4 powered dashboards with CRUD operations in PHP.
PHPCG is designed to build your Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with the help of a GUI.
The application can manage any MySQL database’s data, regardless of both the complexity of its structure and the volume of data.
Create your Bootstrap dashboard
with CRUD operations in PHP
PHPCG is built with pure PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap 4, and jQuery.
From an in-depth analysis of your database, you create a complete PHP/MySQL application with CRUD functionality and advanced features using an intuitive interface.
The Content Management System that PHPCG generates allows you to manage the content of your database no matter the complexity of its structure.
You will use the best premium jQuery plugins available to make your changes according to the field you selected:
- Rich Text Editors (tinyMce)
- Date & Time Pickers
- Advanced Uploader
- Select Lists
- Radios & Checkboxes
- …
PHP CRUD Free Download
The admin dashboard can be customized as desired: custom labels, nested tables, navigation with organized categories.
Demo :