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PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon Nulled (v2.37.6) Free Download

PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon Nulled Free Download
PowerPack Beaver Builder Addon Nulled Free Download

PowerPack Beaver Builder Nulled addon extends Beaver Builder with 55+ Stunning Modules.55+Beaver Builder Modules Highly useful, creative, functionality oriented modules to help you build better websites.

150+Page Templates Ready to use Beaver Builder Page Templates for various business niche. Build a complete website in a few clicks. 

PowerPack Nulled is built to help you get things done quickly and easily. So, with its extensive template library, you can build custom page layouts in a few minutes. PowerPack Template Nulled Library consists of 200+ Section templates and 150+ Page templates. These templates cover a wide variety of businesses and content sections. So, you will be able to use it when building websites. Our existing customers love it. 

Beaver Builder works great for building custom page layouts but why rely on a Theme for creating custom Header and Footer layouts? PowerPack Nulled offers unique functionality for building Header Footer layouts with Beaver Builder. So, you get complete freedom to design the entire website however you like it. It’s perfect for websites that need custom Header & Footer layouts which standard WordPress Themes don’t offer.

Login & Signup Pages with Social Login

Yes, that’s right. You can design a custom login page and say goodbye to the old, boring, standard WordPress login page. With Login Page Builder functionality, you can use Beaver Builder and Login Form module from PowerPack Nulled to design custom login pages. You can also add login with Facebook and Google functionality with the login form module.  Want to create a custom signup page? You can use the Registration form module to design custom registration or signup pages. No need for any third-party plugins. 

Maintenance & Coming Soon Modes

Working on some website updates and want to quickly switch it to “Maintenance Mode” yes, you can do that with PowerPack Free Download. Launching a new website and want to display a “Coming Soon” page? Yes, that’s possible as well. You can use Beaver Builder to design custom Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon Pages. And, you can also whitelist certain IP addresses for yourself and your clients to preview the site without the need to login. 

PowerPack Free Download

PowerPack Free Download is built for performance and web professionals. So, we understand that it’s important to offer controls for advanced functionality. You can easily enable/disable every feature and module based on your requirements. Use only what you need and when you need it. 

Demo :


2.37.6 – August 7, 2024

Table - PHP error when choosing ACF Relationship field and not providing the field key
Photo Gallery - Layout issue inside the expandable row
Table of Content - Unable to select heading tags
Content Grid - Carousel auto height was not working in some cases
FlipBox - Height issue in expandable row

Gravity Forms - Added filter hook pp_gravity_forms_use_gravity_theme
2.37.5 – July 15, 2024

Issue with WPRocket
2.37.4 – July 13, 2024

Advanced Accordion - Minor accessibility fix
Content Grid - Minor PHP warning
Unable to change HTML tag to <p> for text in some modules

Added more escaping to further improve security
2.37.3 – July 9, 2024

Countdown - JavaScript error after the recent update
Testimonial Slider - Global button style affecting the arrow and dots colors
2.37.2 – July 9, 2024

Category Grid - Images were not showing after the recent update
2.37.1 – July 9, 2024

Smart Headings - Removed "no" text output

What do you think?

Written by null

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