Rhye Nulled – is a premium creative portfolio HTML5 template. It’s crafted with modern minimalistic approach and content-oriented design. Thanks to GSAP 3, ThreeJS and Barba.js under the hood Rhye gives a new-level experience for your visitors.
fixed: warning "Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without a callback"
improved: updated jQuery library to the latest version 3.7.0
improved: updated GSAP plugins to the latest versions 3.12.2
please update file HTML/js/vendor.js
improved: updated jQuery library to the latest version 3.6.3
improved: updated Bootstrap modal library to the secure version 4.3.1
please update file HTML/js/vendor.js
fixed: incorrect whitespace in several Sass files
added: correct handling of error event for Gulp Sass
changes in source files: