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Scalability Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled (v5.67) Free Download

Scalability Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled Free Download
Scalability Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled Free Download

Scalability Pro Nulled helps you identify and fix potential and existing scalability issues with your site. Scalability is not quite the same as performance – it’s related to how well you can keep your site performing fast as your site gets larger.

A highly scalable site will not slow down as your site gets bigger. The Scalability Pro Plugin is the core WP Intense plugin to transform the speed and scalability of your WordPress site.

Scalability Pro Free Download

helps you identify and fix potential and existing Scalability issues with your site. Scalability is not quite the same as performance – it’s related to how well you can keep your site performing fast as your site gets larger.

Demo :


5.67 (9th August 2024)
#164 - Fixed missing pagination at media library
5.66 (8th August 2024)
Improved the Remove Group By option
if WP_Query selects columns from only wp_posts and does not join to other tables, we remove DISTINCT and GROUP BY for extra speed
if WP_Query joins to other tables, but still only selects columns from wp_posts, we swap GROUP BY for DISTINCT to remove the extra sort operation
improved it so it's no longer called experimental, it should be safe in all cases so long as no plugins rely on items coming back in ID order for some reason
also improved it so that it catches more cases
this is since I found that nav_menu_items tends to have suppress_filters applied
if you have huge nav menus and you find in Query Monitor that these are behaving slowly, add define('SPRO_ALLOW_NAV_MENU_ITEMS_FILTERS', true); to your wp-config.php
5.65 (23rd July 2024)
Added Export CSV button to Slow Query Log
Fixed broken scrolling in Slow Query Log
Updated JS for license checker - it had been affecting wp-admin overlays which heavily use JS to manipulate the DOM
5.64 (20th July 2024)
Updated slow query log profiling to improve handling when wp-config.php cannot be edited
for best results with the query profiling, make sure you have the db.php symlink in place and wp-config.php edited
5.63 (11th July 2024)
Fixed warning on plugins page caused by new settings upgrade
Added better messaging for invalid, expired and exceeded licenses
5.62 (10th July 2024)
Hotfix for settings upgrade from yesterday
5.61 (9th July 2024)
Fixed warning message being output for query profiler if a query did not have a start time
changed the global variable name for the start time to make conflicts from other plugins impossible
Updated license checker to use new faster version

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Written by null

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