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Slider Revolution Fresh Addons (Plugin + Addons) Nulled (v6.7.15) Free Download

Slider Revolution Nulled was first released in 2012, developed by ThemePunch, a qualified team of web enthusiasts. Since then, it’s been constantly improved and is currently powering over 2.5 million websites all around the globe.

Slider Revolution Free Download in Action

Over the years I’ve been able to train myself with Slider Revolution. However, I’d be crazy to say that it wasn’t intimidating starting off. I tend to compare it to Photoshop, where once you learn the ropes it can be an incredible tool. But for the average person the tool looks way too complicated.

Your secret weapon to creating responsive WordPress sliders, web pages & stunning visuals even with zero experience.

You can now dazzle your clients with jaw-dropping responsive designs that look amazing on any device. No coding required.

Exceed even the most unrealistic expectations with special effects, animations and impressive designs. All at your fingertips in our drag-and-drop intuitive editor.

The drag-and-drop editor you didn’t dare dream of

The Slider Revolution free download editor was built to save hours or even days of work on every project.

The new interface comes with intuitive options categories. You’ll know exactly where you can find what you need at all times, so you can implement your creative vision with just a few clicks.

The speed of production will make your clients marvel at the how fast you can deliver fully-polished, stunning visual work.


Slider Revolution Addons List

  • Slider Revolution v6.7.15 [Activated]
  • Slider Revolution Bubblemorph v.3.0.8
  • Slider Revolution Paint-Brush v2.1.9
  • Slider Revolution Before/After v3.1.1
  • Slider Revolution Exploding Layers Nulled v2.1.4
  • Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin v5.4
  • Slider Revolution Panorama v3.0.9
  • Slider Revolution Lottie v.3.1.1
  • Slider Revolution Scroll Video v.3.0.4
  • Slider Revolution Whiteboard AddOn v.6.7.3
  • Slider Revolution Slicey v.3.0.4
  • Slider Revolution Snow Effect Add-On v.3.0.2
  • Slider Revolution Polyfold Scroll AddOn v.3.0.5
  • Slider Revolution Transition Pack v.6.7.3
  • Slider Revolution Mousetrap v.3.1.0
  • Slider Revolution Duotone Filters Nulled v3.0.5
  • Slider Revolution Typewriter Effect v6.7.2
  • Slider Revolution Smart Living One Pager v3
  • Slider Revolution Smart Living One Pager v2
  • Slider Revolution Motion Blur Portfolio Showcase
  • Slider Revolution Portal Effect Hero Slider
  • Slider Revolution Holiday Snow v6.7.2
  • Slider Revolution WP Gallery v2.0.5
  • Slider Revolution Particle Wave v1.1.3
  • Slider Revolution Related Posts v2.0.2
  • Slider Revolution Charts v3.0.5
  • Slider Revolution Weather v6.7.2
  • Slider Revolution Sharing v3.0.1
  • Slider Revolution URL Load v6.7.2
  • Slider Revolution FilmStrip v6.7.2
  • Slider Revolution Particles Effect v6.7.4
  • Slider Revolution Featured Slider v2.0.4
  • Slider Revolution Backup v2.0.3
  • Slider Revolution 404 Page v2.0.1
  • Slider Revolution Domain Switch v1.0.1
  • Slider Revolution The Cluster v1.0.9
  • Distortion Effect v3.0.5
  • Login Page v3.0.1
  • Coming Soon & Maintenance v3.0.0
  • Paintbrush v3.0.4
  • Next Posts v2.0.2
  • Reveal Preloaders v6.7.3
  • The FluidDynamics 6.7.3


Version 6.7.15 (10th July 2024)

  • Zone positions on mobile sizes are not calculated well on some slides
  • Vimeo arguments are ignored in SR7 frontend on background videos
  • Perspective is set on layers if they dont have any rotation, breaking fonts on iOS
  • Deep link is not working on carousel layout
  • First alternative slide is not working on any layout in SR7
  • Video with auto height not resized properly
  • Static layers can not be triggered any more by normal layers via actions
  • Video slider are skipping slides if they are set to rewind and switch the slide at the end of the video
  • Content on mobile phones are offsetted after oriention change
  • Video overlay color settings has no effects
  • Images using auto width and height dimensions in columns are not respecting their parent container dimensions

Version 6.7.14 (25th June 2024)

  • Mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases
  • If preloading is active for the SR7 Data Load Method, global slides are not loaded from the third slider onwards
  • Global setting “Include library globally” is not respected by the SR7 engine
  • Slider not initialized when optimized by Rocket Loader
  • SR7 removes sibling tags like span and p
  • Vimeo attributes like pip, dnt, pip, transcript, portrait are not working
  • The ToolBarTopFunction is still using the jQuery library, producing some errors in preview pages if jQuery is not loaded
  • Fullscreen height on mobile is not respecting min height of content in some cases
  • Parallax disabled on mobile still calculates the initial offset position of parallax elements which renders all layers at the wrong position
  • SVG export with starting // is not processed properly
  • Background image on module repeated even if the option is not selected
  • Media library image was not showing for post based slides if featured image on a post was missing
  • Security hardening to prevent XSS: Input sanitization and output escaping now enforced on layer actions

Version 6.7.13 (6th June 2024)

  • Enable Google Fonts global option does not respect “Disable” and loads and
  • Alternate URL for module is not migrated from SR6 to SR7
  • DeepLink Hash Tags in URl break Modules if they added on 3thd place or later
  • “Next Slide on Focus” and “Disable Blur/Focus Behavior” settings do not affect runtime processing
  • Lottie and BubbleMorph AddOns not working in admin preview due to incorrect layer class names
  • Mouse Wheel navigation not working when screen size height is smaller than slider height
  • Looping Slide not respecting the End time, but will restart after the last animated frame on timeline
  • Missing background color for layers with background image assigned
  • Global Layers with “auto” height and “%” width may not drawn straight if the Module is starting outside of the viewport
  • Loading Modals delayed, via PHP Filters may not set the default Dimensions correctly on opened Modules
  • Modal shows misaligned and with the wrong dimensions if Modal Module layout set to Auto
  • Depricated Next Slide on Focus and Disable Blur/Focus behavior options and introduced new V7 Freeze On Blur option

Version 6.7.12 (23rd May 2024)

  • Instagram stream not displaying images
  • Hover processing too early, negatively influencing the “in” animation of layers
  • MouseTrap AddOn when adding a click event on video without providing a layer caused an error
  • Not initialized modules out of viewport resized incorrectly on window resize causing the horizontal scroll to appear
  • Scroll Below under, Scroll-based Timelines and Video Scrolled Content not scrolling to the right ID
  • Fix Positioned Top Sliders by setting Pointer Events to none, without any exclusions
  • Filmstrip AddOn flickers on mobile phones
  • Gradient Backgrounds on SVG’s drawn Transparent since latest updates
  • Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance
  • Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched
  • Disabling Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect

What do you think?

Written by null

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