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WebinarPress Pro WordPress Webinar Plugin Nulled (v2.27.2) Free Download

WebinarPress Pro Nulled
WebinarPress Pro Nulled

WebinarPress Pro Nulled Host live and automated webinars from directly on your website a fully customizable attendee experience and without any technical skills.

Use the powerful live streaming of YouTube Live or any prerecorded video from YouTube, Vimeo or hosted on your own server.

  • Interact with your attendees by letting them ask questions and answer them during the webinar either in your video or with question and answer feature.
  • Fully responsive pages so visitors can attend a webinar from every mobile device or tablet.
  • Collect attendees’ name and email address and import them into your third party email provider.
  • Fully customizable email reminders so your attendees so they don’t miss the webinar.
  • Optional replays so attendees who missed the timeslot get a second chance.

Introduction to WebinarPress and how to setup your first webinar

WebinarPress Pro Nulled FEATURES

  • Organize live webinars with Hangouts on Air, Youtube or Vimeo (MP4 video files, iframes and RTMP streams are also available in the Pro version)
  • Customize the styling of every webinar page
  • Use shortcodes to place a registration or login form anywhere in your website
  • Responsive / mobile friendly webinar pages
  • Collect attendees name and email when they sign up
  • Send automatic reminders and customize them to your needs
  • Confirmation pages after signing up
  • Countdown page to show before the event starts
  • See how many people are online during your webinar
  • Export attendees to text or CSV file
  • Let attendees ask questions during the live event and keep a log of it
  • Give away an incentive during your live webinar or replay
  • Have a replay available for registrants that missed out on the webinar
  • Works with almost any theme

Demo :


= Version 2.27.1 – 2024-02-09 =
– FluentCRM integration
– Mailing lists releted issue fixed

= Version 2.27.0 – 2024-01-31 =
– Aweber timeout issue fixed
– New Feature: Certificate of Attendence Launched
– Remove Survey form

= Version 2.26.28 – 2024-01-25 =
– GetResponse library update

What do you think?

Written by null

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