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WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Nulled (v2.7.1) Free Download

WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Nulled
WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Nulled

The WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Nulled enables you to serve digital products through your Amazon AWS S3 service.

Amazon S3 Storage is fully automated allowing you to simply specify the bucket and object name of your file using shortcodes in the download file paths, and when a customer downloads their purchase the extension will translate this into a Amazon S3 URL and serve that file as the download.

WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Free Download

The WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Free Download also support multiple buckets within one product so you can easily provide download access to files stored on different Amazon buckets when purchasing one product.

Demo :


Version 2.7.1
RELEASED ON 2024-03-25
Update brand to Kestrel
Version 2.7.0
RELEASED ON 2023-11-23
Declare compatibility with the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout blocks.
Added new S3 region 'il-central-1' (Tel Aviv) to the list.
Updated the plugin URLs to the new domain.
Updated plugin author.
Tested compatibility up to WC 8.3.
Tested compatibility up to WP 6.4.
Changed the plugin namespace to `KoiLab\WC_Amazon_S3_Storage`.
Dropped deprecated code up to version 2.5.
Version 2.6.2
RELEASED ON 2023-09-11
Tested compatibility up to WC 8.1.
Tested compatibility with WP 6.3.
Fixed warnings due to the usage of the deprecated constant 'FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING'.

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