The WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees Nulled will allow you to easily apply fees (or discount in case the fee value is negative) and to display additional fields in the checkout Billing and Shipping forms! Both fees and additional fields can be applied/displayed according logic rules…and all done using a nice visual editor!
The plugin allows the shop admin to create fees (or discount if the fee value is negative) and additional checkout billing and shipping fields to which optionally he can associate some conditional rules. According to these conditional rules the plugin will decide if the additional fields have to be showed in Checkout forms and if the fees have to be applied to the Checkout cart.
Each field/fee can have multiple conditional rules related between them with and/or conditions. A conditional rule can consider several product/category/cart/user aspects data like the amount spent, height, weight, taxes, user roles…More info at Conditional logic paragraph!
The plugin will allow the shop admin to create the following field types:
- Text
- Text area
- File
- Number
- Telephone
- Password
- Select/Multiselect
- Date
- Time
- Country
- State
- Heading
For each field you can configure its own options like CSS classes to assign to the input field, placeholder text, show on emails, show on order details page, row size, etc.
For each field can be bounded several and/or conditional logic rules that will make the field visible only if satisfied. A condition can be have the following typologies:
- Product
- Category
- Cart
- User
Demo :
= 10.6 - 09.04.23 =
* Added some new filters
= 10.5 - 04.04.23 =
* Added ne new "wcccf_cart_fee_total" filter
= 10.4 - 18.09.23 =
* Added "shipping classes" option to fees
= 10.3 - 18.09.23 =
* Improved State management
= 10.2 - 27.07.23 =
* Added compatibility with HPOS