WooCommerce Smart Reminder Emails Nulled this WooCommerce Extension allows you to automatically send scheduled reminder emails (payment reminders, follow up emails asking for a review) to your customers based on specific rules you create.
For example, you can send a payment reminder email if an order is still on-hold/pending payment 5 days after the order has been placed for a specific payment method.
Advanced filtering even allows you to add more rules for specific products, minimum order amounts etc. The possibilities are virtually endless!
Main features:
- Automatically schedule/send email reminders for WooCommerce orders (like payment reminders or follow ups) after a specified number of minutes/hours/days/weekdays/weeks/months
- Change order status after sending email (optional)
- Set up CC and/or BCC for each email to keep track of them.
- Rich text editor for the email text, including placeholders for data from the order (name, order total, etc)
- Emails use WooCommerce email template for optimum compatibility
- Configure the exact requirements for sending an email (time after order, order status, payment method, shipping method, products and/or product category in the order)
- Full integration with the free WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips and our premium extensions.
- Fully WPML Compatible – emails will be automatically sent in the order language.
Demo : https://wpovernight.com/downloads/woocommerce-reminder-emails-payment-reminders/
2.7.2 (2024-03-06)
Fix: PHP 8.1 warnings coming from `add_submenu_page` passing `null` to `parent_slug`
Fix: WordPress collapse menu not working
Tweak: removes duplicated `order_time` placeholders
Translations: updated template (POT)
Tested & compatible up to WooCommerce 8.7 & WordPress 6.5
2.7.1 (2023-12-04)
New: possibility to unsubscribe users from each reminder email
New: order total trigger condition
Translations: updated template (POT)
Updated bundled license manager/updater
Tested & compatible up to WooCommerce 8.3 & WordPress 6.4