
Jobs Portal Nulled (v4.1) Job Board Laravel Script [NFIX] Free Download

Jobs portal Nulled is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy for candidates and for Employers to post jobs. This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies. On the whole the objective of the project is to enable jobseekers to place their resumes and companies to publish their vacancies. It enables jobseekers to post their resume, search for jobs, view personal job listings. It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes. Apart from this there will be an admin module for the customer to make changes to the database content.


  • Job Seeker
  • Manage Resume
  • Job Provider
  • Administrator
  • Job Search



Update 07 Feb 2024
1. Fix Project Thanks Modal close issue
2. Job alert issue
3. Company logo issue fixed
4. Fixed download CV button show on candidate profile page

Update 20 January 2024
1. Fix CV Thanks Modal close issue
2. Fix htaccess file issue
3. Fix FAQ page Accordion
4. home page responsive scroll issue fixed

Update 1 January 2024
1. Update Laravel version to 10
2. Update PHP version to 8.1+
3. Update Bootstrap
4. New Design
5. Add image for Categories
6. All Categories page
7. Add French and Hindi Language
8. Add Kanban Board for Applied Candidates
9. Add Account Verify page to resend link for activation account
10. Auto Activate Account After email verification
11. Add Company detail page on admin side
12. Add Seeker Profile page on admin side
13. Add Job Detail page on admin side
14. Add List of applied candidates against every job
15. Bulk selection of jobs and delete option
16. Fixed emails issue

Update 12 Dec 2022
1. Fix CV packages issue
2. Add Print Resume into jobseeker profile
3. Fixed home page search layout issue on mobile

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Orbius Creative Agency and Portfolio Theme Nulled (v1.0.8) Free Download

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