X-Shipping Pro For OpenCart Nulled is an Advanced shipping module. If you are looking for a custom shipping solution that requires easy to advanced complex calculations, this is the perfect module for you.
With this module, you can even show sub-options as dropdowns. The dropdown can be multi-level. The sub-options also can have prices if you wish to have one. The sub-options come in handy when it comes to showing a list of `PickUp Point` Or `Store List` etc.
With the help of the X-Form module, you can even show any form that will be attached to a particular shipping method. It can be useful if you want to take a delivery date or delivery time etc.
You can add a logo and description for each method if you wish to have them.
You can hide/restrict other shipping modules from x-X-Shipping Pro For OpenCart Free Download.
Demo: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=13705