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MainWP Pro + All Addons Pack Nulled (v5.0.1) Free Download

MainWP Pro + All Addons Pack Nulled Free Download
MainWP Pro + All Addons Pack Nulled Free Download

The MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard plugin Nulled allows you to control unlimited WordPress sites from your own private self-hosted WordPress install.

The MainWP WordPress management system Nulled is a free and open source. The system is designed for WordPress professionals who realize that WordPress management for yourself or your clients is more than just plugin and theme updates.

And, just because it is free does not mean it’s not effective. MainWP Free Download allows you to control virtually all of your daily WordPress maintenance tasks at absolutely no cost.

All Managed WP Sites on One Screen

MainWP brings all your WordPress management tasks under one Dashboard. Keep adding your clients’ sites and MainWP will act as your sites manager.

Effortless Updates with WordPress Manager

Stop wasting time updating your WordPress sites one-by-one. The MainWP WordPress Free Download site manager makes it simple and super easy to update everything across all your managed WP sites.

Plugins and Themes Management

Being a WordPress maintenance plugin, MainWP Nuled allows to Install, Activate, Deactivate, Update or Delete plugins and themes across all your managed WP sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard Nulled.

WordPress Users Management

Managing users on your managed WP sites is now as easy as it can be. Need to create a new WordPress user on your WP managed site? No problem!

Why MainWP Sites Manager Nulled?

See what makes us different than other WP managers!


As a self-hosted WordPress Manager, install the MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site, not on our hosting.


Keep tight control of what is happening with your managed WP sites. We have 100% respect for your privacy.

Open Source

Review all code installed on your multiple WordPress sites via Github. Have an idea or fix? Pull requests accepted.

Secure Connection

Connect to your WordPress sites via secure OpenSSL encrypted connection. No need to enter or store passwords.

Developer Friendly

Options are limitless. Actions, filters, and smart coding make MainWP sites manager more developer-friendly.

CLI Enabled

Use provided built-in CLI commands to automate and speed up repetitive WP management tasks in your MainWP Dashboard.


The REST API allows MainWP Free Download data to be created, read, updated, and deleted using requests in JSON format.


Have you ever wanted to change the font, color, or move a button on your MainWP Nulled multiple WordPress sites manager?

MainWP Free Download

Browse our catalog of MainWP Free Download Extensions for Backups, Marketing, SEO, Maintenance, Security, Monitoring, and other tools to streamline your WordPress managements tasks.

MainWP Addons List

  • MainWP Pro v5.0.1
  • MainWP Pro Reports v5.0.4
  • MainWP Client Reports v5.0.1
  • MainWP Virusdie v4.0.1
  • MainWP Google Analytics v5.0.1
  • MainWP WP Compress v4.0.1
  • MainWP Rocket v5.0.1
  • MainWP Post Plus v5.0.1
  • MainWP Bulk Settings Manager v5.0.1
  • MainWP Team Control v5.0.1
  • MainWP Post Dripper v5.0
  • MainWP Piwik Matomo v5.0.2
  • MainWP Favorites v5.0.1
  • MainWP Maintenance v5.0
  • MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor v5.3.1
  • MainWP Clean and Lock v4.0.2
  • MainWP UpdraftPlus v5.0.1
  • MainWP Vulnerability Checker v4.1.6
  • MainWP Wordfence v5.0.1
  • MainWP Staging v5.0.3
  • MainWP Page Speed v4.0.3
  • MainWP Boilerplate v5.0.2
  • MainWP Article Uploader v5.0.2
  • MainWP WooCommerce Status v5.0.3
  • MainWP Comments v5.0
  • MainWP Lighthouse v5.0.2
  • MainWP Custom Dashboard v5.0.1
  • MainWP iThemes Security v5.0.1
  • MainWP WP Compress Coupon v4.0.1
  • MainWP Backup WordPress v4.0.6
  • MainWP Broken Links Checker v4.0
  • MainWP BackWPup v4.0.7
  • MainWP Buddy v5.0.1
  • MainWP Links Manager v2.1
  • MainWP Code Snippets v5.0.3
  • MainWP Spinner v4.0.1
  • MainWP Time Capsule v5.0.1
  • MainWP WooCommerce Shortcuts v5.0.1
  • MainWP WordPress SEO v5.0.1
  • MainWP Custom Post Types v5.0.2
  • MainWP Sucuri v4.1
  • MainWP URL Extractor v5.0
  • MainWP Clone v5.0
  • MainWP Domain Monitor v5.0.1
  • MainWP File Uploader v5.0
  • MainWP Favourites v4.0.12
  • MainWP Atarim v5.0.1
  • MainWP Dashboard Lock v5.0.1
  • MainWP White Label v5.0
  • MainWP SSL Monitor v5.0.1
  • MainWP Database Updater v5.0.4
  • MainWP Cache Control v5.0.0
  • MainWP API Backups BETA v4.0.0.6 BETA5
  • MainWP BlogVault v1.3
  • .0MainWP Jetpack Scan v5.0.1
  • MainWP Jetpack Protect v5.0
  • MainWP Pressable v5.0.1
  • MainWP Termageddon v2.2.1
  • MainWP Branding v.5.0
  • MainWP Cost Tracker Assistant v5.0.3
  • MainWP Time Tracker v5.0.2

Demo :


Version 5.0 – 2-27-2024

  • Updated: MainWP 5.0 compatibility

Version 4.2 – 11-21-2023

  • Fixed: Standardized the use of capital letters in the `[wordpress.updated]` tokens for consistency.
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues impacting PDF generation on certain hosting environments.
  • Fixed: Display errors in email content using the basic template.
  • Fixed: Issues related to revealing previously hidden information messages.
  • Fixed: Overflow issues in the Actions menu within the Child Reports Dashboard table.
  • Added: SSL Monitor tokens in default templates for enhanced reporting capabilities.
  • Added: SSL Monitor configuration option to the Report Data settings.
  • Added: SSL Monitor settings into the Custom Titles configuration for enhanced customization.
  • Added: A condition to verify custom logo usage and skip its display if not used.
  • Added: The option to suppress informational messages on the Create Report page.
  • Added: Chart titles to the Google Analytics and Fathom charts for better data understanding.
  • Added: An option to conceal informational messages in the Select Sites interface.
  • Added: Enhanced the Select Sites sidebar element with an accordion feature for improved usability.
  • Added: The “Insert tokens” action link and modal for the “Report PDF Filename” input field, enhancing customizability.
  • Tweaked: Refined the `[report.daterange]` token to exclude time information for clearer date representation.
  • Tweaked: Updated the styling of the “Additional email attachment” field for a more streamlined appearance.
  • Tweaked: Modified Google Analytics chart aesthetics, including line color, fill color, and the removal of the background color for clarity.
  • Tweaked: Adjusted the number of dates and the date format on the X-axis of the Google Analytics chart for enhanced readability.
  • Tweaked: Reduced the number of horizontal lines on the Google Analytics Chart for a cleaner visual presentation.
  • Tweaked: Applied similar aesthetic enhancements to the Fathom chart, including line color, fill color adjustments, and background color removal.
  • Tweaked: Revised the number of dates and date format on the X-axis of the Fathom chart for improved clarity.
  • Tweaked: Reduced horizontal lines on the Fathom Chart for a simplified visual appeal.
  • Tweaked: Eliminated excessive padding on the Create Report tab following the Sidebar element for a more organized layout.
  • Tweaked: Repositioned the Send Now button to the left side in the Preview Report modal for ergonomic accessibility.
  • Tweaked: Adjusted the height of the Report Preview modal for an optimized view.
  • Tweaked: Reconfigured the padding of the sites filter in the Actions bar for a more efficient layout.
  • Tweaked: Altered the status element location during the report deletion process for better user experience.
  • Tweaked: Refined the wording of error and success messages for enhanced clarity.

Version 4.1.3 – 9-18-2023

  • Fixed: An issue with creating the Extension database tables

Version 4.1.2 – 9-13-2023

  • Fixed: An issue with showing sections with empty section data
  • Added: Support for the Fathom extension

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