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Product Feedback Center For WHMCS Nulled (v2.2.0) Free Download

Product Feedback Center For WHMCS Nulled Free Download
Product Feedback Center For WHMCS Nulled Free Download

ModulesGarden Product Feedback Center For WHMCS Nulled is an extremely useful module developed to let you display surveys, flexible in contents and design, that will empower your clients to share their overall experience with special focus on your products and support services. The whole gamut includes surveys accessible in the cancellation request form, product page, ticket view, as well as your client area’s dashboard.

You will be free to choose from among all most popular question formats, including text, scale and multi-select, then combine the ready questions into groups, and finally assign them to product groups or particular products in your offer. Your newly acquired toolkit will deliver means to optionalize questions as well as determine their visibility depending on the previous answers. Along with it, a number of activation rules can be formulated to control when a survey appears on the home page. Another major benefit is that Product Feedback Center For WHMCS allows the creation of personalized messages to your clients that will pop up at the top of each survey. Beyond exporting completed surveys, you will be able to track vital statistics, helping you analyze customer behavior trends and patterns effectively.

Product Feedback Center For WHMCS is your go-to source of actionable insight that will guide your underway strategies in tune with your clients’ unique needs. Order the module today and unlock endless inspiration to enhance your products in the most customer-oriented manner!

Client Area Features:

  • Fill Out Custom Surveys With Questions:
    • On Product/Service:
      • As Standalone Feedback Form
      • On Cancellation Requests
    • In Questionnaires Form Displayed When Specific Rules Are Met
    • In Support Ticket Feedback Form

Admin Area Features:

  • View Dashboard Summary:
    • Latest Cancellation Surveys
    • Latest Feedback Surveys
    • Latest Support Survey Requests
    • Latest Questionnaire Requests
    • Cancellation Surveys Per Product
    • Cancellation Surveys Per Product Group
    • Feedback Surveys Per Product
    • Feedback Surveys Per Product Group
    • Support Feedback Requests Per Department
    • Questionnaire Requests Per Questionnaire Group
  • Create Question Groups And Relations For:
    • Cancellation Requests
    • Products Feedback
    • Support Tickets
    • Questionnaires
  • Customize Surveys:
    • Provide Group Name And Description
    • Provide Message Displayed To Clients Above Survey
    • Customize Message Text And Alert Bar Color
    • Add Multiple Language Versions To Provided Messages
  • Create And Assign Questions To Groups:
    • Provide Question Name
    • Choose Question Type:
      • Confirmation
      • Text
      • Select
      • Multi-Select
      • Scale
      • Custom Scale
    • Toggle Question Status
    • Add Question Description
    • Toggle Question To Be Optional
    • Display Question Based On Answer Selected In Another Parent Question
    • Define Characters Limit For Text Type Answers
    • Randomize Order Of Answer Options For Confirmation, Select And Multi-Select Question Types
      • Pin Last Answer
    • Set Minimum, Maximum Or Exact Number Of Required Answers For Multi-Select Question Type
    • Toggle Horizontal Or Vertical Display Of Scale And Custom Scale Question Types
  • Add Available Answer Options To Questions
  • Add Multiple Language Versions To Provided Questions
  • Create Relations And Rules To Display Surveys:
    • Cancellations:
      • Assign Created Question Groups To Products/Services And Product Groups
      • Choose Whether “End Of Billing Period” Option Should Be Disabled Until Specified Time
      • Hide WHMCS Cancellation Reason From Questionnaire Form
    • Product Feedback:
      • Assign Created Question Groups To Products/Services And Product Groups
    • Support Feedback:
      • Assign Created Question Groups To Specific Departments
    • Questionnaire:
      • Assign Created Question Groups Based On Activation Rules:
        • Client Owned Products, Product Addons, And Domain TLDs
        • Assignment To Client Group
        • New Customer Defined With Number Of Days To Pass Since Registration
        • Old Customer Defined With Number Of Days After Registration
      • Provide Short Name Displayed In “Available Questionnaires” Table
      • Toggle One-Time Access
  • View/Delete Answers Submitted By Clients
  • Export Surveys Feedback To CSV File
  • Send Email Message To Client On Ticket Closure Event With Feedback Request
  • Access Submitted Answers Directly From WHMCS Cancellation Requests List



v2.2.0 Released April 24th, 2024
Latest Version

New Feature: WHMCS V8.9 and V8.10 support
New Feature: Client survey feedback can now be exported into a "CSV" file within the selected date range or from selected entries - case #200, #207
New Feature: Added "Latest Support Survey Requests," "Latest Questionnaire Requests," "Support Feedback Requests Per Department" and "Questionnaire Requests Per Questionnaire Group" graphs to the "Dashboard"
Changed: Renamed graphs in the "Dashboard" to better reflect their functionality
Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.6 and previous
Bug Fix: Corrected encoding of special characters displayed on graph entity names
Bug Fix: The option to "Send Feedback" from the ticket will no longer be available for non-logged-in guests as it is only supported for logged-in clients
Bug Fix: Fixed problems with survey choice saving when certain answers in sub-questions were of the "radio" type - case #179
Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
v2.1.3 Released August 10th, 2023

New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Bug Fix: Solved problem with the "-|" phrase that could be added to the cancellation reason although that has not been provided - case #202
Bug Fix: Fixed issue with creating the settings related database table due to the "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed" error - case #203
v2.1.2 Released April 4th, 2023

New Feature: WHMCS V8.7 support
Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
Bug Fix: Assorted code corrections related to the usage of PHP 8.1 version - case #187
Bug Fix: Fixed problem with an empty parent question filed after using the question cloning functionality
Bug Fix: The previously saved language translations of feedback groups will now be properly displayed when editing a group
Bug Fix: Resolved case that could interrupt the correct usage of the search box for cancelations groups, questions and answers
Bug Fix: Other minor code adjustments

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