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Logo Carousel Pro [ShapedPlugin] Nulled (v4.0.0) Free Download

Logo Carousel Pro [ShapedPlugin] Nulled Free Download
Logo Carousel Pro [ShapedPlugin] Nulled Free Download

Logo Carousel Pro Nulled is a beautiful Multi-use Logo Showcase and Responsive Clients Logo Gallery Plugin for WordPress ShapedPlugin Nulled that allows you to showcase a group of logo images in a visually appealing way through an intuitive Shortcode Generator.

It has the ability to display the logos in a Popup or External custom link with the required logo information like Logo, Title, Description, etc.

Query Filter and Display Logos by Categories

Group logos by categories and you can display logos by selected category or all of them

You can group your logo images by categories and display only a selected category or all of them! This way you can even have a list for clients, another list for sponsors, and so on!

Category-wise Ajax Live Filtering (Isotope)

You Can Filter Logos With Categories

You can also include a live category filter in the grid layouts, so your visitors can select which logos to see. Opacity will be on the logo and change the opacity you need.

The plugin includes the option to include a live filter menu. You can currently choose between a hidden filter and an enhanced filter. This will expand the possible usage of the plugin.

External or Internal Logo Links and Beautiful Popup with Details!

Create a Carousel or Grid of Logos with External or Internal Links!

You can set custom link URLs to the logo, they can have links that can open on the same page or on a new page. If you don’t add any URL for the particular logo, the logo will not be linked up.

Shortcode Generator with Live Preview – 200+ Visual Customisation Options

Customize Everything Easily with Custom Typography, Colors, Styling, and Many More…

It couldn’t be easier to generate the necessary code to display the logos. Just go to the Shortcode Generator, choose the settings in different tabs you want, and the shortcode and the PHP function that you can use will be generated and ready to copy and paste where you want! Shortcodes are to be used in posts, pages, and templates, while the PHP function will be necessary if you want to hard code the logo showcase Nulled in your theme files. The generator will make a preview of how the layout looks with the selected settings.

Want to display a personalized logo showcase? With Logo Carousel Pro Free Download, you can display all your logos in a fully responsive way. You can also easily control how many logos display per row in the desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile view.

Demo :


VERSION 4.0.0 – JAN 20, 2024

  • New: The Logo Analytics feature tracking clicks and impressions on logos.
  • New: The Logo Analytic Dashboard with Logo Performance Trendline Chart, Data filter by Last Year/ Month/Week, Average Clicks, and Impressions Circular Chart.
  • New: The Logo Performance List Table to compare easily.
  • New: The Download PDF of Logo Analytical data.
  • New: The Dropdown styled Ajax Live Filter.
  • New: The Alignment option of Ajax live filter and Isotope filter.
  • New: The CSV import and export feature to import or export logos.
  • New: Justifying the Logo feature of Grid and Inline layouts.
  • New: A hook \’lcp_edit_no_result_found_text\’ was added to modify the \’no result found\’ text.

VERSION 3.7.1 – DEC 04, 2023

  • Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP8.2.
  • Fix: The issue is the link to Ajax-filtered logos.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.1 compatibility.

VERSION 3.7.0 – OCT 04, 2023

  • New: Ajax Live Filter by Logo Categories feature for all layouts.
  • New: A-Z Ajax Filtering feature.
  • New: The Live Filter Type [Category, A-Z Filter, Category & A-Z Filter] option
  • New: The Filter buttons styling options.
  • New: The Custom JS option in the plugin settings page.
  • New: The LazyLoad for Ticker mode.
  • Improved: The default image size for the Logo Carousel is set to medium size.
  • Fix: The conflict with the b-slider plugin.
  • Fix: The extra space found between logos in isotope layout when lazyload is enabled.
  • Fix: LazyLoad spinner creates whitespace below the carousel.
  • Fix: Elementor Pro (v3.14.0) CSS conflict makes the slider blank.
  • Fix: The slider does not show if the space between the logos option is set to empty.
  • Fix: The changelog does not show sometimes when an update is not shown.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.3.1 compatibility.

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Written by null

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